Protection, detection, action

Security is a lifetime sprint

Securing IT artefacts in the cloud is not a short sprint. It is an ongoing feature of digitalized enterprises. Building cyber resilience into their systems is a priority and how well they posture against threats and risks is at the foundation of the security strategy. At Minfy we have operational experience in ensuring the perimeters of security are redrawn and the security road map details the specific customer needs. Threat modeling and various checks and balances are part of our routine deliverables. The one aspect that distinguishes us from the others is our ability to integrate security into your day-to-day operations. In fact, seamlessly harmonize with the DevOps philosophy. When this is accomplished enterprises scan actually leverage the cloud to strengthen security parameters and be ready for eventualities.

Secura Security Services

Cloud security and risk assessment

Enterprise view of security

Cyber resilience status

Threat and risk listing

Threat modeling

Security strategy

Business mapping from a security perspective

Threats and risks inventory

Security frameworks

Preventive and causative steps

Constant reviews


Immersion into regulatory frameworks

Comprehensive analysis of workloads

Codification ofthe policies Control objectives

Metrics for vigilance


Double down on the assets to the micro level

Understand the control objectives

Enable audits and assessments

Integration with workflow tools

Catalyze automation

Questions we ask

What is the current state?
What is the status of cyber resilience?
What is the intended cyber posturing?
How visibile are the assets - micro segmentation?
What customization is required?
What are the monitoring cycles?
What are the prevention and threat handling frameworks needed?
What are the regulatory mandatories to comply with?

Areas we address

Present security goals
Prevailing security perimeters
New perimeters
Blending prevention and threat handling measures
Integration with workflows
Testing and shared responsibility initiatives
Metrics and alerts
Regulatory frameworks


Well defined cyber posturing
Security as a continuous process
Reactive and proactive modeling
Integrate workflows to save time and costs
Reviews and audits for firm vigilance

“The shield and sword of Achilles ironically represent the reactive and proactive stances of a security warrior”

Our Industry Partnerships

Resonances — Enable the Change you Want to See

How Minfy Empowered TripleSdata's Global Domination in Racing Data with AWS

How Minfy Empowered TripleSdata's Global Domination in Racing Data with AWS

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Minfy Bolsters its Data and AI Specialization with Acquisition of Dynapt.

Minfy Bolsters its Data and AI Specialization with Acquisition of Dynapt.

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Protect your digital assets with Secura Security.