Enhance and Accelerate Business Outcomes with AI Solutions—like no other.

The flexibility of customizations, ease of use and, the power of AI-now available as a Solution-based-Service.


Companies need to monitor on-line and social media data to find signals for customer experience and market fitment. Sometime there is a lot of after the fact, manual analysis that is not in time to create actionable insights.

Minfy’s Sentiment AI solution can improve customer engagement and speed up business response through targeted and near real time sentiment recommendations. Sentiment AI brings together data from various social media sources and connects to standard data repositories to create data driven insights that can be actioned quickly.


Problem: The hospitality industry faces challenges in analyzing guest feedback, managing online reputation, and understanding customer sentiment towards services and amenities.

Solution: Sentimental helps hospitality businesses analyze guest feedback from reviews, surveys, and social media to gain insights into guest sentiment, identify areas for improvement, and proactively address guest concerns.

Outcome: Enhanced guest experiences, improved online reputation, personalized guest recommendations, and increased guest satisfaction and loyalty for hospitality businesses.

Problem: Financial institutions face challenges in understanding customer sentiment towards their products, services, and overall brand reputation.

Solution: Sentiment.ai helps financial institutions analyze customer feedback from various sources such as surveys, customer support interactions, and social media to gain insights into customer sentiment, preferences, and satisfaction levels.

Outcome: Improved product development, enhanced customer service strategies, identification of emerging trends, and proactive reputation management for financial institutions.

Problem: Healthcare providers struggle to effectively analyze patient feedback and sentiment, leading to suboptimal patient experiences and limited insights into the quality of care.
Solution: Sentiment.ai's sentiment analysis capabilities enable healthcare providers to analyze patient feedback from surveys, online reviews, and social media to gain valuable insights into patient satisfaction and sentiment.

Outcome: Improved patient experiences, better understanding of patient needs and preferences, identification of areas for service improvement, and enhanced reputation management for healthcare providers.

Problem: Retailers and e-commerce businesses struggle to understand customer sentiment, gather insights from product reviews, and effectively brand reputation.

Solution: Sentirnent.ai enables retailers and e-commerce businesses to analyze customer sentiment from online reviews, social media interactions, and customer feedback to gain actionable insights, improve product offerings. and enhance the customer experience.

Outcome: Enhanced customer satisfaction, personalized marketing strategies, optimized product assortment. and improved brand reputation for retailers and e-commerce businesses.

Case Study

An integrative medicine company sought to gain a comprehensive understanding of the performance and sentimentality of their supplements. We conducted an analysis of social media and product reviews to provide the client with data-driven insights and sentiments that enabled them to make informed decisions.



The solution package is available at a fixed price per month to the customer and includes implementation effort for one use case.

Future-proof your business now and, Do more with less.

Informed Decision Making
Improved Efficiency
High Participation Planning
Data Protection
Customizable Interface
Scalability & Growth

Reasons Why Minfy’s AI Solutions Factory are Better than everything else.

Minfy’s approach of IP based solutions is agile to enable quicker time to market

Minfy will use their Industry Value Maps as the core framework to build these solutions by working backwards from customer inputs

Ongoing innovation and AI IP creation will ensure that the solution factory stays cutting edge

Minfy has the right team of experts, from developers to data scientists

Minfy will bring AWS ISV partners for complete solution development (if required)

Minfy will bring together IP, implementation and support (along with limited domain)

Switch from Data-Chaos to Data-Driven Now.