Minfy is amongst India's Fastest Growing Companies as per a study by The Economic Times and Statista and is listed amongst India's Growth Champions 2022.

Minfy declared a Growth Champion 2023 by Economic Times and Statista!




March 16, 2023

Minfy declared a Growth Champion 2023 by Economic Times and Statista!

Minfy is amongst India's Fastest Growing Companies (32nd) as per a study run by The Economic Times and Statista and is listed amongst India's Growth Champions 2023.

Economic Times and Statista pick and rank a select group of businesses that have perfected the art of gaining ground year after year. Aside from growth, key considerations are that businesses have real economic substance, sustainability, and legitimacy.

Thank you The Economic Times and Statista.

#Indiagrowthchampion2023 #betterfocusbettergrowth #bionicforabetterworld #economictimes

Click here to see the detailed rankings.

March 16, 2023

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March 27, 2024

Minfy is amongst India's Fastest Growing Companies as per a study by The Economic Times and Statista and is listed amongst India's Growth Champions 2022.

Minfy declared a Growth Champion 2023 by Economic Times and Statista!

Minfy is amongst India's Fastest Growing Companies (32nd) as per a study run by The Economic Times and Statista and is listed amongst India's Growth Champions 2023.

Economic Times and Statista pick and rank a select group of businesses that have perfected the art of gaining ground year after year. Aside from growth, key considerations are that businesses have real economic substance, sustainability, and legitimacy.

Thank you The Economic Times and Statista.

#Indiagrowthchampion2023 #betterfocusbettergrowth #bionicforabetterworld #economictimes

Click here to see the detailed rankings.

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About Minfy
Minfy is the Applied Technology Architect, guiding businesses to thrive in the era of intelligent data applications. We leverage the power of cloud, AI, and data analytics to design and implement bespoke technology solutions that solve real-world challenges and propel you ahead of the curve. Recognized for our innovative approach and rapid growth, Minfy has been featured as one of Asia Pacific's fastest-growing companies by The Financial Times (2022) and listed among India's Growth Champions 2023. 

Minfy is a trusted partner for unlocking the power of data-driven insights and achieving measurable results, regardless of industry. We have a proven track record of success working with leading organizations across various sectors, including Fortune 500 companies, multinational corporations, government agencies, and non-profit organizations. www.minfytech.com/

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