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August 28, 2024

Minfy Recognized as a Leader in the 2024 Everest Group PEAK Matrix® for AWS Services Specialists

As enterprises advance beyond their initial cloudadoption, the demand for more sophisticated, intelligent applications hassurged. Minfy has strategically positioned itself at the forefront of thisevolution, leveraging AWS's extensive capabilities to deliver solutions that gobeyond infrastructure - integrating cutting-edge technologies like GenerativeAI and AI agents. These innovations enable organizations to automate complexprocesses, generate insights from vast data sets, and create more adaptive, responsivebusiness models.

"The leadership team at Minfy has trulyembodied the principles of strategic growth and innovation that are at theheart of the Stanford Seed program. Minfy's recognition as a Leader in the 2024Everest Group PEAK Matrix® for AWS ServicesSpecialists is a clear reflection of their ability toimplement these learnings effectively. Their focus on delivering tailored AWSsolutions that meet the unique needs of their clients is a direct outcome ofthe strategic insights gained through Stanford Seed", said HarishArnezath, Regional Director, South Asia at Stanford Seed.

The Everest Group PEAK Matrix® is a trustedevaluation framework that assesses the performance of global IT serviceproviders. The 2024 edition specifically focuses on 14 AWS service providers,categorizing them as Leaders, Major Contenders, and Aspirants based on theircapabilities and offerings. Minfy's recognition as a Leader highlights itsability to deliver high-impact solutions that meet the unique needs of itsclients, leveraging AWS's extensive ecosystem.

"We are honored to be recognized as a Leaderin the 2024 Everest Group PEAK Matrix® for AWS Services Specialists. Thisachievement reflects our commitment to empowering businesses through innovativeAWS solutions that unlock new opportunities and drive growth," said VikramManchanda, CEO, Minfy Technologies. "Our focusedexpertise in AWS, coupled with our dedication to client success, continues toposition us as a key partner for enterprises looking to maximize the value oftheir cloud investments."

One of Minfy's key customers, Dhruva Space, also shared their experience: " Minfy has played a crucial role in ourdigital transformation by expertly utilizing AWS and cloud-native technologies.Their innovative solutions have streamlined our processes, enabling us to makemore informed decisions and achieve better results. In the Space industry,where complex data analysis, real-time processing, and scalable infrastructureare essential, robust cloud infrastructure is pivotal for maintainingoperational efficiency and agility. Minfy’s expertise in this area has beenparticularly valuable in helping us meet these critical demands. We appreciatetheir progressive approach and the tangible benefits we’ve realized" said Krishna Teja Penamakuru, Chief Operations Officer,Dhruva Space.

Minfy's leadership in the PEAK Matrix® isa result of its strategic initiatives aimed at harnessing the power of cloud,AI, and data analytics to deliver solutions that are not only technologicallyadvanced but also aligned with the future of business innovation. The companyis dedicated to advancing its capabilities, investing in cutting-edgetechnologies, and forming long-term partnerships that drive sustained successfor its clients.

Vijay Jain,Co-Founder of Minfy, emphasized the company's dedication to continuous growthand development: "Our recognition as a Leader in the Everest Group PEAKMatrix® is not just a milestone; it's a testament to ourongoing commitment to investing in our competencies and people. We believe thatby empowering our teams with the latest skills and technologies, we canconsistently deliver cutting-edge solutions that meet the evolving needs of ourclients and drive sustainable growth."

For more information about Minfy's leadership in the 2024 Everest Group PEAKMatrix® for AWS Services Specialists and its range ofintelligent data and AI-driven solutions, please visit

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About Minfy
Minfy is the Applied Technology Architect, guiding businesses to thrive in the era of intelligent data applications. We leverage the power of cloud, AI, and data analytics to design and implement bespoke technology solutions that solve real-world challenges and propel you ahead of the curve. Recognized for our innovative approach and rapid growth, Minfy has been featured as one of Asia Pacific's fastest-growing companies by The Financial Times (2022) and listed among India's Growth Champions 2023. 

Minfy is a trusted partner for unlocking the power of data-driven insights and achieving measurable results, regardless of industry. We have a proven track record of success working with leading organizations across various sectors, including Fortune 500 companies, multinational corporations, government agencies, and non-profit organizations.

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